Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público
Servicio de Administración Tributaria
Mapa del sitio
Índice temático
Facultades del SAT
Integración del SAT
Administración SAT
Reglamento interior
Estructura orgánica
Directorio de servidores públicos
Evaluaciones externas a los programas presupuestarios del SAT
Bolsa de trabajo
Servicio social y prácticas profesionales
Calendario fiscal
Cartas de crédito
Catálogo de trámites
Contabilidad electrónica
Declaración anual
Depósitos en efectivo
Devoluciones y compensaciones
e.firma (antes firma electrónica)
Obligaciones fiscales
Opinión del cumplimiento de obligaciones fiscales
Pólizas de fianza
Régimen de Incorporación Fiscal
Buzón Tributario
Promociones jurídicas
Derechos de los contribuyentes
Resoluciones favorables
Verificación de autenticidad
Vigilancia de grandes contribuyentes
Pago de adeudos fiscales
Pago electrónico e5cinco
Pago en especie
Pago referenciado
Arrendadores residentes en EUA
Bancos, entidades de financiamiento y fondos del extranjero
Deducción de combustible
Descarga de aplicaciones
Estímulo al buen contribuyente
Estímulos fiscales
Juegos con apuestas y sorteos
Libros blancos
Lista de correos apócrifos
Operaciones presuntamente inexistentes
y listados definitivos
Participación de los Trabajadores en las Utilidades
Pláticas fiscales
Portal anticorrupción
Pregunta del día
Programas y campañas
Relación de contribuyentes incumplidos
Reglas para la importación definitiva de vehículos
Retorno de inversiones
Tablas e indicadores
Intercambio automático de información financiera para efectos fiscales
Terceros autorizados
Bancos autorizados para recibir pagos
Información histórica de centros de destrucción de vehículos
Concesionarios de devolución de IVA a turistas extranjeros
Controles volumétricos
Donatarias y donaciones
Emisores de monederos electrónicos
Fedatarios públicos
Garantizadora y expedidora del Cuaderno ATA
Notarios públicos
Órganos verificadores
Proveedor de servicio de recepción de documentos digitales
Proveedor de servicio autorizado para juegos con apuestas y sorteos
Registro y padrón de contadores públicos, despachos y colegios
Síndicos del contribuyente
Comercio exterior
Esquema Integral de Certificación
Verificación de origen
Formas y formatos de comercio exterior
Factura de comercio exterior
Provisionales o definitivas
Retorno de inversiones
Régimen de Incorporación Fiscal
Mi contabilidad, opción de acumulación de ingresos por personas morales.
Personas morales
Personas físicas
Operaciones con terceros (DIOT)
Múltiple (30) DIM
Regímenes Fiscales Preferentes (63)
Operaciones relevantes (76)
IEPS: entidades federativas
Operaciones de Consorcios Petroleros (81)
Gasolina o diésel
Otras informativas
Situación fiscal
Editores de Revistas
Fomento al Primer Empleo
Estímulos Fiscales, entidades federativas
Formato 43
Formato 43-A
Conceptos de IETU
Operaciones mayores a 100,000(35)
Aumento de capital(86-A)
Pasajeros procedentes del extranjero
Recintos fiscalizados(Reg. 15)
Normatividad en transparencia
Acceso a la información
Obligaciones de transparencia
Transparencia focalizada
Participación ciudadana
Indicadores de programas presupuestarios
Estudios financiados con recursos públicos
Planes, programas e informes
Adeudos fiscales
Sala de prensa
Boletín técnico informativo de Aduanas
Boletín técnico informativo de Comercio exterior
Comunicados de prensa
Importación temporal de vehículos
Contenido de la página
With temporary importation permit issued by banjercito
Who can perform the process?
The foreigners or mexican residents in national territory or abroad, as well as those who proof to work in a foreign country for a period of one year or more.
In the case of Mexicans residents in a foreign country
as well as for those proving working in a foreign country for one year or more, they should present the document issued by the migratory authority of the foreign country that accredit them as permanent or temporary residents in the foreign country or the express authorization of the competent authority of such country who grants them the quality of service providers according to the international agreements of which Mexico is part of.
In the case of foreigners
with a visitor’s permit, temporary resident and student temporary resident may temporarily import a single vehicle, having to present for such permit their valid passport or passport card and the official document issued by the customs authority.
The interested party must show proof of ownership or possession of the vehicle intended to be temporarily imported, presenting for such effect any of the following original documents with a non-certified copy:
Title of ownership or valid registration of plates with evidence of them as owners of the vehicle, issued by the competent authority of the foreign country.
Leasing agreement on behalf of the importer, with a letter of the leasing company authorizing the temporary importation of the vehicle.
Credit agreement on behalf of the importer.
Document with evidence of the working relationship of the importer and the document showing proof that the company owns the vehicle.
State under oath to tell the truth that they commit to return the vehicle concerned within the authorized term and no longer perform acts or omissions that constitute offenses or crimes due to the improper use or destination of the vehicle.
guarantee temporary
import of
Year-model of the vehicle
Amount of the guarantee equivalent in domestic currency
2007 and later
400 USD dollars
2001 until 2006
300 USD dollars
2000 and prior
200 USD dollars
Banjercito will return the guarantee deposit in the same way that the interested party paid it, only if the definitive return of the vehicle has been registered befor, prior to the due date of the permit. If the guarantee deposit was made with an international credit or debit card, the return will be made to the bank card that may apply, the next working day following the definitive return of the vehicle; if the deposit was made in cash, the return will be made in cash in any CIITEV Unit located in the border customs offices.
Units that can be jointly imported with the vehicle
Along with the temporary importation of a vehicle, there can also be temporarily imported a vessel with maximum four and a half meters of length including the tow for its transportation, recreational vehicles, motorcycles, try motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles or jet skies, as long as they are not conceived, destined or manufactured in an evident way to drive on general ways of communication, whether federal, state or municipals, with a maximum of three units, for which it is necessary to show proof of property of the transported units and registered them in the same permit of temporary importation of the vehicle.
The motorcycles or try motorcycles that entry to the country by their own choice,
that have foreign plates to drive on the general ways of communication, must request a temporary importation permit and fulfill with the same requirements stated in this document, without applying what’s stated in the aforementioned paragraph.
The term to return the temporarily imported vehicles by Mexicans residents in a foreign country will be of 180 natural days of effective stay in the country, starting from the date of entry of the vehicle to national territory and usable in a period of twelve months, considering multiple entries and exits, guaranteed in all moments by the existing guarantee.
The term to return the temporarily imported vehicles by foreigners will be that of the term of their stay condition granted by the immigration authorities.
For the foreigners with a stay condition of temporary residents and student temporary residents who renew their stay in national territory, the term of the temporary importation permit for the vehicles will be recognized with the official document issued by the immigration authority without prior authorization of the customs’ authorities.
Also, in order not to make effective the guarantee granted within the next 15 days following the renewal of their stay condition of temporary resident or student temporary resident, the foreigners must present to any customs office in the country or to the ACOA, a letter explaining that circumstances attaching a non certified copy of the receipt of such procedure and the vehicle’s temporary importation permit.
In order to register and obtain the receipt of the partial or definitive return of the vehicle, the interested party must present before the personnel of BANJERCITO working at the CIITEV Units of the customs offices of exit of the vehicle, the permit, hologram and, when applicable, the recreational vehicles and the tow for its transportation that have been temporarily imported.
Verify that all the ID information of the vehicle such as the trademark, year, model, type and serial umber or VIN, as well as the importer’s data are printed in the permit and are correct.
For further information call MarcaSAT to the following toll-free numbers:
México 01 55 627 22 728, options 7 and 6.
From the USA and Canada 1 877 44 88 728, options 7 and 6.
Última modificación:
22 de mayo de 2017 a las 15:54